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Just sharing my new server here lol

the best game ever played on my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can you use ai to make other ai?
ans: Yes but were talking bout game ai



can you make an escape menu for fast restart please :D

Idk when i will update this game lol, but i will add that someday


gusvenga pls reply, how do i get the purple key as i added this game to (ur welcome) and i need it for 100%, pls would be very good and ur game is very good

The purple key doesn't exist and the door is just there for no reason, and there's nothing necessary inside so lol, also thx for adding the game on


you should add something there on the later updates


hey, im trying to make a game, do u know how to make ai? 

Nah, i actually used ChatGPT to write the code for this game.


good idea! 


I do have a question though, how do i make keys and locks?

I used an asset called "Enhanted Trigger Box" from the Unity assets store


surprisingly good XD