The Game is Finished! + FM Dev Team Info

So, this fan remake took 3 years to finish, and it's finally finished!

But, someday i might make a port for IOS, but not sure when or if i will even do it,

Also, you can now apply for a Mayro FM Dev Team Member, it's not an actual team like irl, no, it's just random users, 

to join you must:

- Use Unity 

- Well, just know something about Mayro lol

How do i apply to join the team?

- on the official discord server:

What happens when i join the team?

- As a reward, you will get the Whole Source Code of the Game! (Unity Project) 

(but remember to see the Unity Version that u need for the project, it's uhhh idk u can find it on me discord server again.)

- You can make something like Expansion Packs for the game with the source code, and have it officially owned by me, something like Half-Life Expansions (lol, but of course you can have your own project as a standalone relase)

- Generally you just get to play around with the whole game in Unity.

So yeah that's uhhh something, see ya!


PC v1.1.1 (Setup) 52 MB
Mar 05, 2023
PC v1.1.1 62 MB
Mar 05, 2023
Android v1.1.1 72 MB
Mar 05, 2023

Get Supra Mayro 64 Fan Made


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(1 edit) (+1)

ngl i beat this in under two minutes because exists now

Wait it does? Cuz i tried making a page but didn't got approved cuz too short to win

That's kinda cool


will my sounds add


when u go to teh menu cursor fades away

Try pressing esc, but mostly pressing the windows button will help, u still Won't really see it, but you know where you are moving it


you forgot hazy maze cave, dire dire docks, snowman’s land, tall tall mountain, tiny huge island, and rainbow ride. If you already put tick tick clock in there.

Well the Orginal Mayro 64 never had all of the levels, so i wanna keep up like with that


ok but until you feel like it then do it, also never ever talked to you in almost forever.